Therapeutic Photography Program - domestic abuse

Pop In Bowral and Community Links Wellbeing.


Project Overview

Community Links Wellbeing and Pop In engaged Folkal to deliver a six week therapeutic photography program for clients and service users of Pop In. The workshop used therapeutic photography techniques to assist participants with processing complex emotions by teaching them how to use photography as a creative tool for self reflection and exploration.


The goal was to give participants an opportunity to reconnect with community and peers who have had similar experiences in a safe and supportive space, creating a sense of connection and belonging for many who have been very isolated. In addition to this the program aimed to encourage those in need to connect with Community Links Wellbeing and Pop In as services that can assist them in an ongoing manner with a wide range of issues.

We aimed to equip the participants with new tools in creative expression they could continue to use beyond the program to support their overall mental health and wellbeing.


Folkal designed and delivered a six week group program using therapeutic photography techniques. The program worked on layers exploring the self, emotions, relationships and society using photography as a creative tool. Sharing and creative group discussion were central to the practical work, creating a strong sense of community and camaraderie among the participants.

Participant Feedback

“Such a wonderful way to bring people together to share, heal, recover! Thank you!”

“This program was excellent - what a beautiful way to explore experiences/ emotions. Adds an extra layer.”

“The program was very successful. I find myself using photography more often in a therapeutic way i.e just considering the why’s of what I’m taking, colours, composition etc.”

“Gave me another reason to visit Pop In and feel valid/ good being here and connecting with other women.”

“The different perspectives and skills shared by both our facilitator and peers gave me the confidence to use what I know in new ways and explore different avenues of creativity - I feel confident that I now walk away able to explore by myself comfortably.”

“Very effective in strengthening a sense of community and providing space to tap into creative expression.”

We hope you enjoy some of their work below.

All images © Project Participants