Voices From The Pandemic - A Young Person’s Perspective

for Headspace Wollongong


Voices From The Pandemic - A Young Person’s Perspective

for Headspace Wollongong 2022

“We at headspace Wollongong have very much enjoyed and appreciated our partnership with Folkal. The Director, Natalie, is incredible at what she does and our young people benefited greatly from her program. This is why we have continued the partnership for another round related to reflective photography. I can see this being a long term partnership!”

- David Wooton Service Manager Headspace Wollongong


Project Overview

Through funding received from the NSW government in response to the Covid 19 pandemic, Headspace Wollongong decided to deliver a therapeutic photography program for young people in the Wollongong region. Folkal was contracted to design and deliver a program that incorporated therapeutic, mindful and participatory photography techniques for clients of Headspace Wollongong.

The overarching aim of the program was to give young people from identified risk groups in Wollongong an opportunity to learn new skills in photography and through the new skills express how they have been effected by the Covid 19 pandemic. Specific objectives included;

  •  To provide opportunities for young people at risk to connect with peers.

  •  To learn new skills that allow healthy expression in a safe supportive environment.

  • To develop confidence in young people through completion of structured activities and sharing

    thoughts and ideas with peers on themes important to them.

  • To utilise participatory, therapeutic and mindful photography techniques within the activities to

    assist with increased self esteem, self awareness and positive mental health benefits.

  • To gain insight into the effects of a global pandemic on young people, and share those insights

    in the broader community.

  • To create a nurturing and supportive environment for young people throughout the program,

    creating a pathway to further engagement in services at Headspace Wollongong


The program was delivered for a small group of young people 18 - 25 years from diverse backgrounds over a period of nine weeks. Combining visual literacy, therapeutic arts and PhotoVoice methods, the participants were given the opportunity to explore themselves, their relationships and society in a healthy a creative way. Strong connections between participants were made throughout the program, and the exhibition and zine were an opportunity for them to share and celebrate their work with the broader community.


  • A public exhibition at the Red Point Artists Association, with an Opening Night event.

  • A Zine made by the participants

  • A video including interviews from participants, Headspace staff and behind the scenes footage